Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Spin School 101

Daft. That's the word that comes to mind when you look at the letter Tom Baldwin, Ed Miliband's new spinner, sent to pretty much everyone in the media. First of all, he's become the story, which is exactly the opposite of what he should be doing. And secondly, he's created a situation whereby if the press do start calling the coalition the 'Conservative-led Government' then they'll look like they're taking orders from Ed Miliband's Comms guy!

I do understand what he means - even if, in the long-term, he's doing the Tories a favour. But it's an embarrassingly clumsy way to go about conveying this message to the press. A quiet word with the editors would have worked a lot better. Anyway, if you're interested, here is the letter:
As you may have noticed, we have changed our language in recent weeks to avoid describing the Government as a coalition or a partnership of equals. We believe a more accurate description is that this is a Conservative-led government.

I understand that the phrase a "Tory-led government" is two words too long to be repeated on every occasion. But I also think that you are making a choice whenever you call it "the coalition". When we were in power, no one was left in any doubt that our most unpopular decisions were those of a "Labour government". The word "Coalition" is one that avoids party labels while also suggesting a degree of inter-party harmony and co-operation which is, day-by-day and split-by-split, being shown as false.

Unless Nick Boles gets his way, "the Coalition" will not be standing for election.

Can I suggest you at least vary your description of this Tory-led government. On some occasions, you might call it a Conservative-Liberal Democrat government. On others it might be just "the government".

When you are talking about this government in a political context, I think it would be fairer to refer to it by reference to party labels.

With best wishes, Tom Baldwin,
Director of Strategy and Communications

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