Saturday, 15 January 2011

Left-wing blogs take their cue from Miliband's HQ

Proof, if any were actually needed, that the left-wing of the blogosphere is boring and incapable of criticising Labour came this week in a piece in the New Statesman. In it, Dan Hodges makes it clear that left-wing blogs take their cue from Ed Miliband's team. I've written before (here and here) about the curious inability of left-wing blogs to criticise Labour, and argued that in the long term it does them and the Labour Party no good, because they are throwing away their credibility.

It's a real shame that this state of affairs exists, because blogs like Political Scrapbook have so much potential. But instead of being independent left-wing blogs have chosen to take their lines from Labour HQ: and the contrast with the Conservative side of the blogosphere could not be more apparent. Attempts to 'spin' the blogosphere are so transparent and really counter-productive. I genuinely hope that these blogs stop essentially working for Miliband and start arguing independently for their left-wing opinions, because that's a whole lot more interesting than just being Miliband's mouthpiece. 

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